Sunday, January 9, 2011

Matte Painting - EP2

Another episode of me matte painting out the sad area around Samsung building. I bet the bagmane developers did'nt see this coming :-D

So, the shot comprises of 3 elements - a replaced sky, a mosque from the city of Istanbul and the Chateau de Chillion, Lake Geneva in Switzerland to the left.

Here are the pics with the original shot. As always zooming in too much with Jedi like concentration could damage your brain cells....

[Original Shot]

[Final Matte]

Here is another version. Spot any differences ?

Find any problems with the images, blending problems, color correction etc. Leave a comment.

Lots more to come, once i finish my Photoshop, AfterEffects and 3DS Max training courses :-D
Until then....

1 comment:

Prabhu said...

I wish there was a loch ness monster somewhere in that lake...